Technical Know-How and Competence

SES considers itself, first and foremost, a research and development company. Not only
does SES conduct its own R&D, it also uses the software and offers its consulting services
in the marketplace. This unique combination allows SES to develop state-of-the-art
software. SES' scientific publications, in the most reputable journals, are an excellent
indication of how SES is viewed in the scientific community. For more than 15 years now,
SES has been and continues to be a leader and a pioneer in the grounding and
electromagnetic fields.

The reports presented below are for information purposes only and are not meant for
distribution. However, the
scientific papers can be found in most libraries. If, for any
reason, you are unable to locate these papers or if you require more information, please
do not hesitate to
contact us.

SES Publised Scientific Papers  & Reports

List of SES Scientific Reports (Projects)

1.        F. P. Dawalibi, N. Rivest,
Advance on Research Linear Induction Motors Research,
Report CDT P-199, Project No. 4503, Prepared for Transport Canada (MAS 02SU T8200-4-4503), July 1975.

2.        F. P. Dawalibi et al.,
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Compensated Linear Induction Motors,
Report CDT TP-847, Project No. 5047, Prepared for Transport Canada (MAS 02SU T8200-4-4503), 1976.

3.        F. P. Dawalibi et al.,
Analysis of the Electric Supply of the Montral-Mirabel, High-Speed Train Tracks,
Report 5640-02-2-77, Canatrans Inc., Volumes 1 and 2, April 1977.

4.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Transmission Line Grounding,EPRI Report, Project 1494-1, Vol. 1 and 2, August 1982 (book).

5.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Power System Proximity Effects on Trans-Quebec & Maritimes Gas Pipeline in the Trois-Rivières Area,
SES Report No. 399-08, February 1983

.6.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Interférence Téléphonique Causée par le Réseau de Distribution Électrique,SES Report No. 399-07, February 1983.

7.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Effectiveness of Station Grounding and Surface Detection of Damaged Ground Conductors,
Canadian Electrical Association (CEA) Report 019-T-218, February 1984.

8.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Power Line Fault Current Coupling to Nearby Natural Gas Pipelines - Analytical Methods and Graphical Techniques,
Vol. 1, EPRI/A.G.A. Project RP742-4/PR-176-510, June 1987.

9.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Power Line Fault Current Coupling to Nearby Natural Gas Pipelines - User's Guide for Computer Program ECCAPP,
Vol. 2, EPRI/A.G.A. Project RP742-4/PR-176-510, June 1987.

10.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Distribution System Grounding Practices,Canadian Electrical Association (CEA) Research Report 249-D-540,
November 1987.

11.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
ARAMCO/SCECO 380 kV Power Lines Interference Effects on Pipelines and Communications Lines,SES Technical
Report, July 1988

.12.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Phase II: ARAMCO/SCECO 380 kV Power Lines Interference Effects on Pipelines and Communications Lines,
SES Technical Report, February 1989.

13.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Computerized Grounding Analysis of Customer-Owned High Voltage Substations: AUTOGRID User's Manual,
Canadian Electrical Association (CEA) Research Report 249-D-541, April 1989

14.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Simplified Rules For Grounding Customer-Owned High Voltage Substations,
Canadian Electrical Association (CEA) Research Report 249-D-541, April 1989.

15.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Lightning Interference Study,
SES Report Prepared For Florida Power and Light Company, May 1989.

16.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Memphis Light & Gas Voltage Mitigation Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company, October 1989.

17.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Clearances for Swimming Pools Installed in Close Proximity to Utility Underground and Overhead Electrical
Conductors (Low and High Voltage),
Canadian Electrical Association(CEA) ResearchReport 720-U-665, November 1989.

18.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Single Point Grounding Manual - Transmission Section,
SES Report Prepared for Pacific Gas & Electric, January 1990.

19.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Empire State Pipeline Voltage Mitigation Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for ANR Pipeline Company, January 1990.

20.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
IPL Bethune Station Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for SNC Consultants Ltd., November 1990.

21.        F. P. Dawalibi, W. Xiong,
Andytown Substation Capacitor Bank Study,
Engineering Study Performed for Florida Power & Light Company, November-December 1990.
22.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet,

WyCal Pipeline Voltage Mitigation Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Wyoming - California Pipeline Company, January 1991.

23.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Empire State Pipeline Voltage Mitigation Analysis,
Updated SES Report Prepared for ANR Pipeline Company, March 1991.

24.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Pipeline Interference Mitigation Study for Project 1004.1, Edgar Lateral,
SES Letter Report Prepared for Algonquin Gas Transmission Company, March 1991.

25.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Hanover Loop Pipeline Voltage Mitigation Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Company, March 1991.

26.        F. P. Dawalibi, M. Al-Khan, M. Al-Mulhim, R.D. Southey,
ARAMCO/SCECO 380 KV Interference Study: Phase II Update,
SES Report Prepared for ARAMCO Services Company and Saudi Consolidated Electric Company (Eastern),

27.        F. P. Dawalibi, P. J. Lagace, R. D. Southey,
Anitec HP Gas Feed Electrical Interference Study,
SES Report Prepared for New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, July 1991.

28.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, W. Xiong,
Interference Study: High Voltage Power Line Crossings Along Empire State Pipeline,
SES Report Prepared for ANR Pipeline Company, July 1991.

29.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, R. D. Southey,
Empire State Pipeline Interference Study of NYMO Parallelisms,
SES Letter Report Prepared for ANR Pipeline Company, September, 1991.

30.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, R. D. Southey,
Empire State Pipeline Interference Study at RG&E Meter Station,
SES Letter Report Prepared for ANR Pipeline Company, September, 1991.

31.        F. P. Dawalibi, M. Al-Khan, M. Al-Mulhim, J. Ma, R. D. Southey,
ARAMCO/SCECO 380 KV Interference Study: Phase III of Extended Study,
SES Report Prepared for ARAMCO Services Company and Saudi ConsolidatedElectric Company(Eastern), October

32.        F. P. Dawalibi, M. Al-Khan, M. Al-Mulhim, J. Ma, R. D. Southey,
Electromagnetic and Conductive Interference Analysis - Mitigation Manual,
SES Report Prepared for ARAMCO Services Company and Saudi Consolidated ElectricCompany (Eastern),
October 1991.

33.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Tavcar,
Electromagnetic and Conductive Interference Analysis - Engineering Applications Manual,
SES Report Prepared for ARAMCO Services Company and Saudi ConsolidatedElectric Company (Eastern),
October 1991.

34.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,
Brayton Point Lateral Pipeline Interference Mitigation Study,
SES Report Prepared for Algonquin Gas Transmission Company, November 1991.

35.        A. M. Selby,
Current Determination Algorithms,
Internal SES Publication, December 1991.

36.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, F. Donoso,
Exton Bypass Conductive Interference Study,
SES Report Prepared for Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Company, May 1992.

37.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, F. Donoso,
Monroe Street Power Plant Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for Washington Water Power Company, July 1992.

38.        J. Ma,
Calculation of Potential in a Multilayer Soil of Unequal Thicknesses,
SES Internal Report, August 1992.

39.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma,
Analysis of Grounding Systems in Soils with Hemispherical Layering,
SES Report Prepared for Florida Power & Light Co., September 1992.

40.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma,
Analysis of Grounding System Interconnections at PEPCO Generating Stations,
SES Report Prepared for Potomac Electric Power Company, November 1992.
41.        F. P. Dawalibi, F. Donoso, J. Ma, A. Selby, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,

Analysis of Effects of WAPA 500 kV Transmission Line on EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts,
SES Report Prepared for East Bay Municipal UtilityDistrict, November1992

42.        J. Ma,
Analysis of Fault Current Distribution in a Power System Network,
SES Internal Report, January 1993.

43.        F. P. Dawalibi, F. Donoso, J. Goulet, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,
Delmarva 16" Pipeline AC Interference Mitigation Study
SES Report Prepared for Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Company, January 1993.

44.        F. P. Dawalibi, F. Donoso, J. Goulet, J. Ma, A. Selby, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,
Analysis of Effects of WAPA 500 kV Transmission Line on EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts: Phase II Study,
SES Report Prepared forEastBay MunicipalUtility District, April 1993.

45.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Seaholm Electric Substation Grounding: Initial Study,
SES Report Prepared for City of Austin Electric Utility Department, April 1993.
46.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, J. Ma, A. Selby, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,

ARAMCO/SCECO 380 KV Interference Study: Phase III of Extended Study,
SES Report Prepared for ARAMCO Services Company and Saudi Consolidated ElectricCompany (Eastern), May

47.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong, M. Ly,
AC Interference Study: Los Vaqueros Relocation Project,
SES Report Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, May 1993.

48.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Calculation of Impedances and Fault Current Distribution in Transformer Ground Return Paths,
SES Report Prepared for Northern Telecom, June 1993.

49.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Point Lepreau Grounding Interference Problems,
SES Report Prepared for New Brunswick Power, July 1993.

50.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Pine Hill Grounding Study: Preliminary Report,
Joint SES/Tremcour Report Prepared for Bell Canada, September 1993.

51.        F. P. Dawalibi, E. Renald, R. D. Southey,
Étude de la Mise à la Terre du Complexe Hydro-Électrique Les Cèdres,
Joint SES/Tremcour Report Prepared for Hydro-Québec, October 1993.

52.        K. Bell, F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Formulation of Pipeline Collocation Guidelines,
SES Report Prepared for Florida Power Corporation, October 1993.

53.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
AC Interference/Mitigation Studies: Key Tasks & Analysis Considerations,
SES Report Prepared for Florida Power Corporation, November 1993.

54.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong,
Lenape Substation AC Interference Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Philadelphia Electric Company, January 1994.

55.        F. P. Dawalibi,
Grounding Grid Performance During Lightning Discharges,
SES Report Prepared for Canadian Electrical Association, April 1994.

56.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Xiong, S. Dawalibi,
Seaholm Electric Substation Grounding Study, Final Report,
SES Report Prepared for City of Austin, Texas, June 1994.

57.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Mitigation Design Study: Lenape Substation Interference,
SES Report Prepared for Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, August 1994.

58.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey,
Equipotential Bonding Modelling,
SES Report Prepared for TransAlta Utilities Corporation, September 1994.

59.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet,
AC Interference Study for 4 Metre PCC Pipe Near 220 kV Transmission Line,
SES Report Prepared for Great Man-Made River Authority, November 1994.

60.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Goulet, R. D. Southey,
Safety Grounding Practices for Personnel Working on Distribution Systems up to 50 kV - Phase II: Computer
Modelling and Parametric Analysis,
Interim Report, CanadianElectricalAssociation (CEA) Research Project 101 D 876, January 1995.

61.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong, J. Goulet,
Modelling of Mitigation System Alternatives on Delmarva Pipeline at PECO Tower 12-5 Site,
SES Report Prepared for Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, April 1995.

62.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Xiong, J. Goulet,
Earth Potential Gradients at Three Tower/Pole Sites Near Columbia Gas Pipeline No. 10345,
SES Report Prepared for Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, October 1995

63.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, J. Goulet,
AC Mitigation Study for 36
Pipeline Near Khlong Mai and Nong Chock Substations, SES Report Prepared for IPCO - G&C Joint Venture,
October 1995.

64.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, S. Fortin, W. Ruan,
Analysis of Electric Transients During Capacitor Switching at Skokie Substation,
SES Report Prepared for Commonwealth Edison Co., October 1995.

65.        R. D. Southey,
Ville de Westmount, Mise à la terre du nouveau poste Sherbrooke - soutien à titre de conseiller expert pour mesures
de la résistivité du sol,
SES Report Prepared for City of Westmount, December 1995.

66.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, K. Bell, J. Goulet, J. Ma,
Mitigation Report - EWEB McKenzie Substation Grounding System Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Eugene Water & Electric Board, May 1996.

67.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet,
Waugh Chapel Substation Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, June 1996.

68.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, S. Fortin,
Analysis of Stress Voltages and GPR Levels During a Fault at the BAN 11 Site,
SES Report Prepared for American Personal Communications, September 1996.

69.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, R. D. Southey,
Namchoonchun Gas Insulated Substation Grounding Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Korea Power Engineering Co., Inc., November 1996.

70.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, S. Fortin, R. D. Southey,
Analysis of MOV Failures at Skokie Substation,
SES Report Prepared for Commonwealth Edison Co., November 1996.

71.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, R. D. Southey,
SCE&G Lyles Substation Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., June 1997.

72.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet,
AC Mitigation Design Study for Hawiyah Gas Development Projects,
SES Report Prepared for Gulf Interstate Engineering Company, July 1997.

73.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet, P. W. Hotte,
Safety Grounding Practices for Personnel Working on Distribution Systems Up to 50 kV,
SES Report Prepared for Canadian Electricity Association, CEA,December 1997

74.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Goulet, H. König,
Determination of Ground Impedances of In-Service Distribution Substations: Goulds and Kenmount Substations,
SES Report Prepared for Newfoundland Light& Power Company, December 1997.

75.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, S. Fortin,
Elmhurst Capacitor Fault Modeling and Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Commonwealth Edison Company, January 1998.

76.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, H. König, R. Southey, J. Goulet,
Yucatan Peninsula (Mayakan) Gas Pipeline Project: Computer Modeling of AC Interference Mitigation,
SES Report Prepared for Bechtel Corporation, April 2,1998

77.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, R. Southey, Y. Li,
Mayakan Pipeline Project - Revised AC Voltage Mitigation,
SES Report Prepared for TransCanada International, June 30, 1998.

78.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, W. Ruan, R. Southey, Y. Li,
PNGTS Pipeline AC Mitigation Modeling,
SES Report Prepared for Bechtel Corporation, July 29, 1998.

79.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, Y. Li,
Town of Weir 10
Natural Gas Pipeline - AC Interference Study, SES Report Prepared for Neel-Schaffer, Inc., January 5, 1999.

80.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, W. Ruan, Y. Li,
Pittsburg Power Plant Meter Station Grounding Analysis,
SES Report Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, February 16, 1999.

81.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, N. Miskevitch,
Grounding and Mitigation Study of SCE Carson Substation/PPSI Meter Station,
SES Report Prepared for Pacific Pipeline System, Inc., May 25, 1999.

82.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan,
AC Mitigation Study - Town of Weir 10
Natural Gas Pipeline - Final Report, SES Report Prepared for Neel-Schaffer, Inc., June 17, 1999

83.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, Y. Yang,
ANP Blackstone Power Plant Conceptual Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for ABB Alstom Power, August 15, 1999.

84.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma,
Safety Evaluation of Paiton Energy Unit 7&8 Grounding System,
SES Report Prepared for Paiton Energy, October 18, 1999.

85.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan,
ANP Hays Power Plant Conceptual Grounding Study,
SES Report Prepared for ABB Alstom Power, October 25, 1999.

86.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan,
Mitigation Review for Mokelumne Aqueduct No. 3 Seismic Upgrade and Underpass Construction,
SES Report Prepared for CH2M HILL, December 30, 1999.

87.        R. D. Southey,
Review of Grounding Design and Plans for Reinforcement of Existing Grounding Grid at Northwest Substation, TSS114

SES Report Prepared for Commonwealth Edison, April 24, 2000.

88.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, Y. Li,
GPR Study of Northport Power Station
SES Report Prepared for Keyspan Energy, May 12, 2000 (Phase 1).

89.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, Y. Li,
Review of Park Place Substation GPR Transfer Study
SES Report Prepared for Keyspan Energy, May 18, 2000 (Phase 1), June 5, 2000 (Phase 2).

90.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, F. Dawalibi, W. Ruan, N. Miskevitch,
Review of Grounding Design for La Paloma Power Plant
August 1, 2000.

91.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Ma, Y. Li,
GPR Study of Northport Power Station (Phase 2)
SES Report Prepared for Keyspan Energy, August 3, 2000.

92.        R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, Y. Li, Y. Yang, W. Ruan,
Tubular Steel Distribution Pole Study
SES Report Prepared for Southern California Edison Co., September 11, 2000.

93.        R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, N. Miskevitch,
Project 1800, Division 6, Frederick P. Griffith, Jr. Water Treatment Plant - Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for Fairfax County Water Authority, October17,2000

94.        J. Ma, S. Fortin, F. P. Dawalibi, W. Ruan, R. D. Southey,
Unbalance Study for Lockport-Lombard 345 kV and 138 kV Transmission Lines, Phase II
SES Report Prepared for Commonwealth Edison, November 1, 2000

95.        R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, Y. Li,
Suncor Millennium Project - Area 86 Extraction Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for SNC - LAVALIN Inc., November 6, 2000 (Phase 1), January 15, 2001 (Phase 2).

96.        F. Dawalibi,
Groton/Pfizer Safety Evaluation Study
SES Report Prepared for Consulting Engineers Group, Inc., December 15, 2000.

97.        R. D. Southey, N. Mitskevitch
Border Station Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for Teshmont Consultants Inc./Manitoba Hydro, January 22, 2001

98.        R. D. Southey, N. Miskevitch,
Brandon Combustion Turbine Grounding Model
SES Report Prepared for Teshmont Consultants Inc./Manitoba Hydro, March 1, 2001.

99.        R. D. Southey, W. Ruan,
Earth Potential Transfer Study of ANP Blackstone Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., March 7, 2001.

100.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma
Ceredo Generating Station Grounding Study – Final Report
SES Report Prepared for AEP Pro Serv, Inc., April 12, 2001

101.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, N. Mitskevitch
Elk Hills Power Project – Ground Fault Impact Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Merchant Power Engineers and Constructors, March 7, 2001 (Phase I) and April 23, 2001
(Phase II)

102.        J. Ma, F. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, J. Liu
Midlothian Power Plant Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., April 30, 2001

103.        R. D. Southey, S. Fortin
Review of Diablo Canyon Dry Cask Facility Grounding Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Pacific Gas & Electric Company, June 22, 2001

104.        R. D. Southey, Y. Li
Woodward Mountain Wind Ranch Electromagnetic Interference Study – Phase 1)
SES Report Prepared for Renewable Energy Systems Ltd., June 15, 2001 (Phase 1) and July 16, 2001 (Phase 2)

105.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, W. Ruan
Grounding Review for 69 kV Distribution Substation
SES Report Prepared for Atlantic Fine Yarns, Inc., July 16, 2001

106.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, J. Liu
Grounding Verification – El Paso Merchant Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Kvaerner Process, July 17, 2001

107.        R. D. Southey, W. Ruan
ANP Blackstone Power Plant – Updated Fence and Guard Rail Protection
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., July 23, 2001

108.        R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, J. Ma, N. Mitskevitch
Conceptual Grounding Design for Pokemouche Plant 69 kV Substation
SES Report Prepared for Atlantic Fine Yarns Inc., August 10, 2001

109.        W. Ruan, R. D. Southey
Grounding Study of As-Built Grid of ANP Hays Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., August 20, 2001

110.        R. D. Southey, Y. Li
Overhead Line/ Pipe Parallelism Interference Effects and Mitigation Measures
SES Report Prepared for Amran Establishment LLC, October 19, 2001

111.        W. Ruan, R. D. Southey
ANP Blackstone Power Plant – Updated Fence and Guard Rail Protection, Revision 2
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., January 14, 2002

112.        R. D. Southey, N. Mitskevitch
Grounding Analysis – ANP Bellingham Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., January 24, 2002

113.        R. D. Southey, Y. Li
Border Substation Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for Manitoba Hydro, March 25, 2002

114.        F. Dawalibi, S. Tee
Needle Rod Transient Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Occupational Safety & Research Institute, Korea, May 14, 2002

115.        R. D. Southey, N. Mitskevitch
Study of Temporary Grounding at FCWA Griffith WTP Site
SES Report Prepared for Black & Veatch Corporation, June 14, 2002

116.        R. D. Southey, Y. Yang
Conceptual Grounding Design for ANP El Paso Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Alstom Power Inc., August 27, 2002

117.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, J. Liu
Jeep Substation – 25 kV & 138 kV Interference Analysis
SES Report Prepared for SNC - Lavalin, August 29, 2002 (Phase 1) and October 4, 2002 (Phase 2)

118.        F. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, S. Tee, J. Liu
Mill Creek Generating Plant Grounding Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Duke Energy Corporation, October 9, 2002

119.        R. D. Southey, W. Ruan
Brandon Area Ground Grid & Soil Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Manitoba Hydro, October 25, 2002

120.        R. D. Southey
Measurement and Mitigation of Touch Voltages at Elk Hills Power Plant
SES Report Prepared for Elk Hills Power, LLC, November 15, 2002
121.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma

Sullivan Plant Grounding Study
SES Report Prepared for Portland General Electric, January 23, 2003

122.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma, D. Dallaire, N. Mitskevitch
EMC Study: Indeck Niles Energy Project & Amtrak Railway
SES Report Prepared for Indeck – Niles, LLC, March 5, 2003

123.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, S. Tee, J. Liu
J. H. Kerr Hydroelectric Plant Grounding Analysis
SES Report Prepared for Overstreet Electric Co., March 11, 2003

124.        R. D. Southey, J. Ma
Engineering Study to Model 345 kV Circuit Involved in Flashover
SES Report Prepared for City Public Service of San Antonio, April 9, 2003

125.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, Y. Li
Radisson Station Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for Manitoba Hydro, April 28, 2003

126.        F. P. Dawalibi, R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, S. Tee, J. Liu
Henday Station Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for Manitoba Hydro, April 28, 2003

127.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Liu, S. Tee, Y. Yang
Steel Casing Overheating Analysis
SES report prepared for Power Engineers, July 18, 2003

128.        R. Southey, W. Ruan
Grounding Study – South West Quadrant Replacement Project – Contract No 141033
SES report prepared for AMEC E&C Services Limited, September 18, 2003

129.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, Y. Li, Y. Yang
DongShanQiao Substation Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for Jiangsu EPRI, October 2003

130.        R. Southey
Grounding Design – City of Phoenix UP01 Waste Water Treatment Plant Main Substation
SES report prepared for Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., October 6, 2003

131.        R. Southey
Sullivan Plant: Measurement of Voltages in Water During Simulated Fault Conditions
SES report prepared for Portland General Electric, October 14, 2003

132.        R. Southey, W. Ruan
Estimation of Zero Sequence Current Flow in 345 kV Cross-Hudson Project Cables
SES report prepared for PSEG Power LLC., December 5, 2003

133.        R. Southey, W. Ruan
Soil Resistivity Testing Along Access Road to ANP-BEC Blackstone Power Plant
SES report prepared for ANP Blackstone Energy Co. LLC., December 29, 2003

134.        W. Ruan, R. Southey, S. Tee
Conceptual Grounding Design of Meadowridge Substation
SES report prepared for Baltimore Gas & Electric Co., February 18, 2004

135.        R. Southey, Y.Li
AC Electrical Interference Analysis for the Gulfstream Line 500
SES report prepared for Florida Power Corporation – A progress Energy Co., March 3, 2004

136.        F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, Y. Li, Y. Yang
HVDC Substation Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for Jiangsu EPRI, March 2004

137.        F.Dawalibi, J.Ma, R.Southey, Y.Li
Dorsey Station Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for Manitoba Hydro, April 29, 2004

138.        R. Southey, W. Ruan, S. Tee
Grounding Verification Study for 72 kV Substation
SES report prepared for AMEC E&C Services Limited, April 12, 2004

139.        R. Southey, J.Liu
Technical Report – Computer Modeling for Kirkland Lake Grounding Study
SES report prepared for Gryphon International Engineering Services Inc., June 9, 2004

140.        R. Southey, J.Liu
Technical Report #2 - #3 – Computer Modeling of Counterpoise Added to Kirkland Lake Grounding Grid to Reduce
Ground Resistance
SES report prepared for Gryphon International Engineering Services Inc., June 14, 2004.

141.        F. Dawalibi
Assurant Kingston Call Center – Grounding Design Review
SES report prepared for Eaton Electrical Services & Systems, June 19, 2004

142.        J. Ma
Review of Palomar Energy Substation Grounding Analysis
SES report prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric, September 7, 2004

143.        R. Southey, W. Ruan
Grounding Study for Suncor 72 kV/7.2 kV Tailing Booster Pumphouse HV Substation
SES report prepared for Stantec Consulting Ltd., September 13, 2004

144.        R.Southey
Grounding Design Guidelines: CNRL Horizon Oil Sands Project
SES report prepared for AMEC Americas Limited, September 7, 2004

145.        F. Dawalibi, R. Southey, J.Ma, Y.Li, S.Tee, J.Liu
Atlantic-Delmar 60/115 kV Transmission Line Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
SES report prepared for Pacific Gas & Electric, September 13, 2004

146.        R. Southey
Special Operating Procedure: Work at Substations G20, G21, G22 During Frozen Soil Conditions
SES report prepared for AMEC Americas Limited, October 7, 2004

SES Scientific