All registered users with an ongoing software enhancement,
update and maintenance support are authorized to download
the most recent versions of the CDEGS, AutoGrid Pro,
SESTLC. AutoGroundDesign and Right-Of-Way software
packages along with all supprting tools and utilities.
Provide your CDEGS account information (Username and
Password) along with your full name, organization and email
address. If you do not have a CDEGS account, please contact
SES at support@sestech.com. Identifying yourself in the form
will help us contact you quickly in the event you will require
support. This should also help us update our records or add
you to our list of active users.
Link to the following web page to download the most recent
software packages if your current version is under maintenance
and support.
Link to the same web page to download the most recent
software package updates. Please note that the updates may
not consist of a full installation package. Do not attempt to
install this update if your current version is not under
maintenance and support. Your current version will lock
automatically and stop operating otherwise.
SES Software Users