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SES Main Business Focus

SES Software and Services is your single source
solution provider for all your grounding / earthing,
lightning, electromagnetic interference and EMC
analysis and mitigation problems.

SES Credentials

Since its foundation in 1978, SES has been recognized
as an undisputed world authority on the effects of soil
on the interaction between electric installations and
other utilities such as gas and oil pipelines,
communication and railway industries.
Read more about
Why SES?

Because its products and services comply with the
most stringent requirements related to validation,
documentation, technical support,  updates and
innovative leading edge solutions.  For more than 25
years now, SES has been and continues to be a leader
and a pioneer in its areas of expertise. SES'
publications and R&d projects (more than 300) in the
most reputable journals, are an excellent indication of
how SES is viewed in the scientific community.
Scientific Analysis Software: SES's various
subpackages constitute a powerful set of integrated
engineering software tools designed to accurately
analyze problems involving grounding, electromagnetic
fields, electromagnetic interference including AC/DC
interference mitigation studies with a global
perspective, starting literally from the ground up. Read
Advanced R&D and Engineering Services: SES
specializes in solving unusually complex problems not
attempted previously and requiring the use of the most
recent scientific advances in the field of grounding and
electromagnetic interference.
Technical Training: In-depth learning of the most
recent advances in lightning, grounding and
electromagnetic interference technologies delivered at
your site or regularly , at convenient locations.  Read